

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Dimensions in all of their majestic beauty 

Once more I thoroughly apologize for not posting for the past few days and at the same time, thank you for understanding.

In the last post we discussed a thought realm, this is not among the names used for it although there are many, a few that are used include: The 4th dimension, The Astral Plane, Heaven, and Hell. The name that we will be using in future posts is The Astral Plane, or simply The Astral. If you watched Spirit Science as suggested in previous posts, you will notice that they use the first term I listed. Do not be confused; they are the same thing.

Now I realize that some of you may be wondering why I said that heaven and hell are the same place, don't worry, we will get to this later.

the important thing to know that dimensions are measured in terms of frequency, lower dimensions have lower frequency, higher dimensions have higher frequency, although humans forgot how to change frequencies some time ago.

The Astral Plane is the ultimate creator's realm. anything you think instantly comes into being on that level of reality. We can make anything we want there. We are from there and as a result our consciousness goes there while our bodies are asleep, AKA dreams, but they also go back there when we die. Many people create around themselves who they are inside. If you are a good person you create what feels good to you, because that is what you think about. If you are a bad person you create what makes you suffer. Thus heaven and hell in the same place. We can also go back to earth to live another life if we so choose and this is what is commonly referred to as reincarnation.

There are also dimensions higher than the fourth all the way through infinity that we cannot possibly imagine. As are there lower infinities of dimensions beneath us. 

Please keep in mind that all of the previous topics will be explained in much more detail in future posts. the only reason I didn't explain them all here is that it would make this post twenty times longer than all of the rest I could possibly do

"Evolution has ensured that our brains just aren't equipped to visualize 11 dimensions directly. However, from a purely mathematical point of view it's just as easy to think in 11 dimensions, as it is to think in three or four." ~ Stephen Hawking

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