What is Knowledge?
First of all, I deeply apologize for the eleven day long break, please forgive me.
Knowledge is very simple and at the same time extremely complex. It is what you know, and at the same time it is a collation of all of your memories, experiences, and logic forming into what you base your actions on, but doesn't that just make knowledge an idea? a theoretical thing that has zero basis in the physical. If you think about it, it doesn't seem likely. So what is it really? The truth is, I don't know. Knowledge is something that all of us rely on everyday, and yet none of us really think about it very often. Is knowledge simply a series of electrical pulses, or is it a higher function that transcends the physical such as thought or emotion. or maybe, it is something entirely different.
There are two definitions of dimension. There is the x-y-z type of dimensions used in geometry, and there is the type of dimension we have described thus far in this blog. the two numbers for the dimension we live in just happen to coincide, the third dimension or as I have called it to avoid confusion, the physical.
Perhaps, since emotions are heavily relied on and is how things usually get done in the 5th dimension, and thought, in the 4th (the astral). then maybe knowledge is just that but for the physical, the third dimension.
"Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family." ~ Kofi Annan
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