

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Channeling and "The Thought Realm"

Channeling and the realm of thoughts

To start off I would like to apologize for not posting in the past two days, I've been busy lately.

Scientists have not yet found where in the mind thoughts are created. It doesn't seem likely for thoughts to be created outside the mind but it is possible that thoughts are brought into reality from the mind, and we have discussed this. The reason scientists can't find where thoughts are created in the mind, is because they aren't even created in this dimension, but a higher realm, which for now we will call, "the thought realm" but that isn't the main topic of today's post and it will be discussed in much greater detail later as it is a very important topic.

Channeling is basically communicating through your mind (using "the thought realm") to either a being of lower consciousness (animals and crystals) or ones of higher consciousness (most aliens, fae, etc.) 

Spirit Science episode 3 gives exact instructions for how to speak to beings of lower consciousness that you can find here . However I will not be repeating them. What he doesn't give are instructions on how to speak with beings of higher consciousness, which is what I will discuss. All you have to do is broadcast your thoughts (you can do this by concentrating on one thing and then imagine that thought floating in all directions from the center of your forehead. If you get a reply, then you have Succeeded! The reply may come in two forms, either words or images and emotions. But be cautious as some beings want no more than to lead you off of the path of oneness and do you harm. Most beings who  might reply though  are beings of light and would love for all of humanity to return to its former state (this will be discussed more later) and will gladly help us achieve this.

"I believe that we are at a very low level of consciousness, and we do not know how to treat each other as human beings. We are caught up in our own lives, our own needs, our own ego gratification. I feel a strong sense of responsibility in delivering that message." 
~Madonna Ciccone

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