

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Any questions or requests so far?

I wanted to make sure you you guys know that all questions are perfectly welcome and each will be addressed in its own post. Requests for related topics I haven't covered yet are also perfectly welcome and each individual request will also be covered in its own post (sorry for the slight repetitiveness).

"By doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth." ~ Peter Abelard

Sunday, September 28, 2014


One of the biggest misconceptions of reality

From the day we are born we are taught that everything as an opposite. Good and bad, stop and go, light and darkness, all of them are thought of as having nothing in common.

There is no such thing as an opposite. Take light and darkness, one of the most prominent examples of opposites. What about the gray area, the twilight, the in-between. It can't be claimed by either, yet has everything to do with the both of them.

Everything has something in common, no matter what it is. Stop and go both describe movement. Good and bad both describe morals. Even such random things as a building and the act of running. They are both described by human languages is a perfect example of something they have in common.

That doesn't mean there are no antonyms.The definition of an opposite is two things that have absolutely nothing in common. The definition of an antonym is two things that are different and yet one helps you understand the other, but the term antonym is much more often used in terms of words than actual things.

Ironically the symbol for Daoism is a perfect example of how the world actually is. A little light in your darkness and a little darkness in your light.

"I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars." ~Og Mandino

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Domination, Power, and Control

Why aren't we interdependent?

Every day you hear about some sort of murder or scandal or outrage, or some sort of political smack talk playing the other party off as a bunch of idiots who will tear down the country if they had a chance. Is that beneficial? We live in a reality where greed, a lust for power, and hatred rule all, and only we can fix it.

No matter what you believe, everyone on the planet is family. The bible says everyone on the planet came from Adam and Eve. If you look at it from a scientific point of view, you have two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, then if you continue doubling it like that by the time you are in the time period of Ancient Greece, you have more ancestors that the world population at the time. Every man, woman, and child on the planet is family. So why is it that we are all so self-centered? Why can't we all help each other as family? 

Dependence is the act of relying solely on someone else who you wouldn't be able to live without. Independence (which is often praised) is being totally alone, not relying on anyone but yourself, and often shoving others in the dirt so that you get your way. Interdependence is everyone relying and building on each other so that all of our lives are better. In our society we have far too much independence and dependence, and no where near enough interdependence. We all assume we are in divine order and what we do has no affect on others, while in reality we are pushing people aside and having an intense negative affect on everything we touch. 

It doesn't need to be this way. We got here because we feel separated, isolated, and independent. Start with something small. If you are rich donate more money to charity, even a penny more per day. If you are poor donate clothes that don't fit anymore to goodwill or give them to someone who is in an even worse place than you are. 

It is up to us to fix what we have created, or we will end up destroying ourselves.

"Not necessity, not desire - no, the love of power is the demon of men. Let them have everything - health, food, a place to live, entertainment - they are and remain unhappy and low-spirited: for the demon waits and waits and will be satisfied." 
Friedrich Nietzsche

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Faeries, Arthur Spiderwick, and how they relate to what we have talked about so far.

 The reality behind the fairy tales

The average person disregarded this book as just another fairy tale. A work of fiction. Zero basis in reality and kind of pushed people away from the idea further. This was not the original purpose. It was meant to inform us of the world around us. However it did not have a complete view in itself. It was missing information. We discussed this very information in previous posts. 

In the book it mentions something called the sight. It is those who have the ability to see the faeries, fae whichever you choose to call them. The fae also have the ability to make themselves known by allowing himself/herself to be seen by others.

This on and off of visibility is really a frequency change. Faeries are 4th dimensional beings who did not go through the fall and still remember how to change frequency's and visit the lower dimensions

If you read it as a whole you will realize that this information fits in like a major puzzle piece that makes the picture much clearer

I know what you are thinking "oh this is just a work of fiction, a fairy-tale, either that or the work of an insane man" I thought the same thing before I came into contact with a phooka (pg. 130) through channeling. He goes by the name Xilph. He often tries to confuse me and takes great pleasure when he succeeds. however his rhymes and riddles eventually made a pattern. a puzzle, that included the book I have shared with you. (which I had already read) and one other thing. by his words "Woe to those from the ball of red who filled your present with pain and dread. Now we watch, we thrive, we feel sorry for your dead, those who live, strive and try instead." This was extremely baffling before I had the information I do now.

So it brings up the question, what is the sight? People with the sight are simply people with a slightly higher frequency than the rest of us. they are sort of in between dimensions. It makes you wonder...

"Woe to those from the ball of red who filled your present with pain and dread. Now we watch, we thrive, we feel sorry for your dead, those who live, strive and try instead." ~Xilph

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Magic, Wizardry, and how it works

Magic or Magick is simply making something in the astral plane, and then dropping it down in frequency, down into our physical plane. This requires a one-minded concentration on what you want to do. The words and motions are simply there to help with concentration on the one thing. As a result it is extremely easy to create a spell

The more tremendous the spell, the more concentration, and therefore energy it requires. I would suggest starting with small stuff if you plan to take up the practice (ie. minor pain healing spells) as just like anything else you get better with practice.

Magic requires a 100% confidence that it will work and that you have the ability to do it. This is because thoughts to the contrary are extreme distractions.

This is a site I have found and used with a very numerous amount of spells. There are a very large amount people who use the site regularly including me.

If you read the forums you will see that there are a great many posts about "fluff spells" these are supposedly fake spells or spells that simply won't work because of the rules of magic. Their instructions on how to find a fluff spell is "something that is to good to be true probably is." Any spell can and will work. This is because there is no limitation to what you can create in the astral plane. The people who think that spells are fluff are one of three people 

1. Someone who is skeptical that the spell could possibly work (which is a distraction and therefore fail to cast the spell)

2. Someone who got all their information from the kind of person listed in 1.

3. Someone who made a spell just for a quick laugh and therefore thinking it couldn't possibly work for any purpose. (including its actual one which was to create laughter.)

Any spell you see has the ability to work if you believe it will.

"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Mighty Dragons and our Shared History

"Myths" of dragons exist in hundreds of different cultures including but not limited to: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, The Philippines, Vietnam, France, England, The Welsh, Rome, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Ireland, and The Aztecs. This is an immense amount of countries that all believed dragons were real at some point. The Aztecs in particular didn't come into contact with other humans till the Spaniards wiped them out. The number of countries, including ones that were cut off for thousands of years, alone give at least some proof that they existed at some time.

Not all humans dropped down to this physical plane during the fall. Some were prepared, but they were a very small few. Dragons had lived there with us. They went through the fall with us, our two species spread all over the planet. Dragons faster than humans because of their wings. As we got dumber and Dumber and we entered the dark ages, Humans and Dragons began to go to war. Humans had the advantages of stealth, and hands to forge weaponry. Dragons who had relied completely on their minds in the astral, no longer had the ability to make anything other than fire and tooth and claw marks. Dragons were very powerful and far more intelligent than us. Their fire could char you instantly, and their scales were nearly unbreakable.

Eventually, Dragons were wiped off the face of the earth. Humans had killed every last one of a species that we had gotten along extremely well with in the past. 

Just as there are humans still in the astral, as are there still dragons... interpret that as you may.

"So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their endings." 

~ J.R.R. Tolkien 

Monday, September 22, 2014

The Fall of Human Consciousness

Martians, Atlantis, Thoth the Egyptian god of knowledge, and how they all connect

A very long time ago ( I forget exactly how long but it was millions of years before the Sumerians so...) There was the continent of Lemuria which was a very long string of islands near the Galapagos  This was when we still lived in The Astral and this was our home. It sunk. we spread out all over the face of the earth. but the another  island rose up in the Bermuda Triangle which is now known as Atlantis. Thoth who is a 6th dimensional being (which we can't even imagine at this point) found the island and created on it 12 spirals, 10 on the actual island, and 2 north and south of it respectively. These spirals attracted the Lemurians to 8 of them and thus created 8 out of the 10 cities of Atlantis that Plato described. the other two were left empty for a while but in life you can never have an empty space its like when you slow down to much on the highway and another car pulls up in front of you. The 9th city was the Hebrews which according to spirit science were aliens that came from our future, which didn't make much sense to me. Regardless though they came with valuable information that we wouldn't have had otherwise. the 10th city was the martians who had recently gone through a crisis that had caused them to lose all of their emotions through something called the Lucifer experiment, which in turn caused them to destroy their planet in war. They were very bad for us. While they had many inventions they could not comprehend emotion and were very territorial and had an extreme lust for power.

Eventually a comet came and when the Lemurians asked higher dimensional beings what to do about it through channeling. The higher dimensional beings had said to let it hit the earth because it was going to have a good affect on us. It hit the Martian city. The Martians got so angry that in order to take revenge they built an artificial merkaba, which is something generated by your consciousness and emotions to safe guard you from harm. They failed and tore the barrier between the Astral Plane (where they were at the time) and the lower dimensional levels sending beings into a world that they could not possibly comprehend. to survive they inhabited the bodies of Lemurians. There were millions of them in every single person. Eventually Thoth helped us get rid of them. (who by the way has been communicated to through channeling by a man named Drunvalo Melchizedek) 

Every once in a while our magnetic poles will shift making north south and south north. It takes a while to do this and during this time everything is completely black (I presume because the crazy magnetic anomaly intercepts the light waves. This happened right around the crisis we just discussed but because we were trying to handle the lower level beings we ended up not preparing for it. (ie. with a living merkaba) So it we dropped down in consciousnesses tremendously and our memories were wiped. We hit rock bottom. We had to start from the beginning. As 3rd dimensional beings, beings of the physical plane of reality. This is what is referred to As the fall of Conciseness or simply The Fall

"When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways - either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength. Thanks to the teachings of Buddha, I have been able to take this second way." 
~ Dalai Lama


Sunday, September 21, 2014


Dimensions in all of their majestic beauty 

Once more I thoroughly apologize for not posting for the past few days and at the same time, thank you for understanding.

In the last post we discussed a thought realm, this is not among the names used for it although there are many, a few that are used include: The 4th dimension, The Astral Plane, Heaven, and Hell. The name that we will be using in future posts is The Astral Plane, or simply The Astral. If you watched Spirit Science as suggested in previous posts, you will notice that they use the first term I listed. Do not be confused; they are the same thing.

Now I realize that some of you may be wondering why I said that heaven and hell are the same place, don't worry, we will get to this later.

the important thing to know that dimensions are measured in terms of frequency, lower dimensions have lower frequency, higher dimensions have higher frequency, although humans forgot how to change frequencies some time ago.

The Astral Plane is the ultimate creator's realm. anything you think instantly comes into being on that level of reality. We can make anything we want there. We are from there and as a result our consciousness goes there while our bodies are asleep, AKA dreams, but they also go back there when we die. Many people create around themselves who they are inside. If you are a good person you create what feels good to you, because that is what you think about. If you are a bad person you create what makes you suffer. Thus heaven and hell in the same place. We can also go back to earth to live another life if we so choose and this is what is commonly referred to as reincarnation.

There are also dimensions higher than the fourth all the way through infinity that we cannot possibly imagine. As are there lower infinities of dimensions beneath us. 

Please keep in mind that all of the previous topics will be explained in much more detail in future posts. the only reason I didn't explain them all here is that it would make this post twenty times longer than all of the rest I could possibly do

"Evolution has ensured that our brains just aren't equipped to visualize 11 dimensions directly. However, from a purely mathematical point of view it's just as easy to think in 11 dimensions, as it is to think in three or four." ~ Stephen Hawking

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Channeling and "The Thought Realm"

Channeling and the realm of thoughts

To start off I would like to apologize for not posting in the past two days, I've been busy lately.

Scientists have not yet found where in the mind thoughts are created. It doesn't seem likely for thoughts to be created outside the mind but it is possible that thoughts are brought into reality from the mind, and we have discussed this. The reason scientists can't find where thoughts are created in the mind, is because they aren't even created in this dimension, but a higher realm, which for now we will call, "the thought realm" but that isn't the main topic of today's post and it will be discussed in much greater detail later as it is a very important topic.

Channeling is basically communicating through your mind (using "the thought realm") to either a being of lower consciousness (animals and crystals) or ones of higher consciousness (most aliens, fae, etc.) 

Spirit Science episode 3 gives exact instructions for how to speak to beings of lower consciousness that you can find here . However I will not be repeating them. What he doesn't give are instructions on how to speak with beings of higher consciousness, which is what I will discuss. All you have to do is broadcast your thoughts (you can do this by concentrating on one thing and then imagine that thought floating in all directions from the center of your forehead. If you get a reply, then you have Succeeded! The reply may come in two forms, either words or images and emotions. But be cautious as some beings want no more than to lead you off of the path of oneness and do you harm. Most beings who  might reply though  are beings of light and would love for all of humanity to return to its former state (this will be discussed more later) and will gladly help us achieve this.

"I believe that we are at a very low level of consciousness, and we do not know how to treat each other as human beings. We are caught up in our own lives, our own needs, our own ego gratification. I feel a strong sense of responsibility in delivering that message." 
~Madonna Ciccone

Monday, September 15, 2014


How human beings are all connected to each other

    Have you ever known what someone was going to say about 5 seconds before they said it, or perhaps knew what someone was thinking or feeling even if they weren't really around? Have you ever gotten a really bad feeling about someone, and turn out right? Some people can really tap into this. We call these people intuitive. 

    The above are just a few examples that show how connected we are to each other, and its not just us. Geese change who leads like clockwork. Fish swim in schools without being taught. Pets seem to know what the other is thinking. Every animal on the planet is connected like this in at least their own species if not others. Humans are sentient but that doesn't mean we aren't connected too, and the only way we can fix the problems we've made (ie. corrupted government, global warming,  world hunger) is if we all contribute and work together. In fact the whole reason for these problems is that we feel separate from each other, which in turn leads to disharmony

"In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Moving Into Reality

Bringing your thoughts into Fruition 

On yesterday's post I said something that I realized might be confusing. The term "moving into reality" is hardly ever used in
everyday life. What I meant by it was, you have to make it happen. To go back to the sandwich example, you cant just think about the sandwich, do nothing to make it, and then expect it to be made. You have to either get up, walk to the kitchen, and make it, or ask someone to make it for you if you are already doing something important. You have to take the action upon yourself and make it happen. You have to move into that reality.

"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality."
~Walt Disney

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Thoughts and their Power

The Immeasurable Power of Thought

Thought, even though it may not seem like it, is one of the most powerful things in the world. It is through thought that we live our lives. If you want to go out and run, go play football, or even make a sandwich, you have to think about it first. If we think about something and then take the initiative to move into that reality, then that will appear in some way shape or form. Now I am not saying that it will instantly appear in front of you, while that is possible, I need to explain some other things first before it will make any sense. Just remember that when you think about something you are drawing it towards you, good or bad.

  "As a teenager I was so insecure. I was the type of guy that never fitted in because he never dared to choose. I was convinced I had absolutely no talent at all. For nothing. And that thought took away all my ambition too."   Johnny Depp

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Greetings and Welcomes

Hello, welcome to my blog!

This is the site  where you will learn about my take on reality. I recommend watching Spirit Science on YouTube first, since I may never be able to explain it as well as they did. Keep in mind that while watching the Spirit Science videos, as well as when reading this blog, You should take what you please from it, and he even says this.

Future topics will include: Magic, Dragons, Arthur Spiderwick, Dimensions, Aliens, Mars, Reality, Thought, The Astral Plane/4th dimension, and Consciousness.

I hope you will all continue to read my posts.

"The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness."
Lao Tzu